The Journey of a Lifetime

Ryan and I have decided to pursue our forth adoption and add another beautiful baby to our family. We couldn't be happier and are thrilled! Join us in our journey in adopting baby Schlenner!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Jocelyn Graduates from Kindergarten!!!!

 Jocelyn had a fabulous kindergarten year!!!! I couldn't have asked for a better year!!! Her is Jocelyn with the teacher of the year, Miss D! Jocelyn absolutely LOVED Miss D. She would have liked to stay forever in kindergarten...IF she could!
 Here's Jocelyn with her best friend, Halle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 Spring Concert at HRS!!!!!!!!!!!! All smiles....all the time!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 Miss D had all the children prepare for a theme unit on "God's Very Important Child!" Jocelyn loved working on this project and then she had to get up in front of the class and share why she was God's Special Child!! It was a beautiful presentation and I'm teary just thinking about it.

 Jocelyn graduated from Kindergarten last Thursday! She is done with school and officially on summer break!!!! This is her kindergarten grade of two classrooms!!! Jocelyn is standing next to teacher Miss D on the left side, third row!!!
 Happy Graduation Day Sweetie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 Jocelyn & BFF Halle
 Our family on the special day
 Nana and Grandma Peggy came to share the kindergarten graduation ceremony and reception with us!
 Grandma Ro and the girls!
I am a very, very proud momma! Proud, very thankful and forever humbled for all my blessings God has given me. Congratulations on a wonderful kindergarten year!!!!

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