The Journey of a Lifetime
Ryan and I have decided to pursue our forth adoption and add another beautiful baby to our family. We couldn't be happier and are thrilled! Join us in our journey in adopting baby Schlenner!

March 24th marked Gabriella's 6th Gotch'a Day! Six years ago today Gabriella officially joined our forever family and the nice judge in Orenburg, Russia granted Ryan and I to be her forever parents!
We love you Gabbi!

Oh Baby!!!!!!!!! March 22nd marked Ahnya's 18 month anniversary! Can't believe our baby is getting bigger and growing so much!!! She is amazing in every single way and such a joy to our lives, our family, and everyone she touches!

This is a million dollar smile!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Look at those teeth!!!!!!!!!!!

The girls AND Ryan and I are anxious for spring! Being indoors for 9 months is just about driving me bananas! How many times and poor daddy pretend to be horsy! We are ready to bike ride, go for walks, play at the park, have picnics, run around with less clothing and flip flops, and yes SWIM! Come on SPRING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Todd and Lucy invited us to their friendly farm on Sunday while we were visiting Nana and Bumpa. The girls were a bit apprehensive at first. Gabriella walked into the barn pluggin her nose-which is a riot! But soon they were all over the animals and LOVED petting and feeding them all. Here's a pic of the girls in the chicken pen! They're collecting eggs!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I CAN'T believe they did that! Gabriella kept talking to the chickens and saying "come on girls, move it girls!"

The picture above is Emily with the girls. Thanks Emily for being so sweet to them! They adore you!

Baby Ahnya was in heaven being able to do her animal sounds with REAL animals!

Auntie Nic was there to lend a hand! Thanks!

Gabriella LOVED the farm! That's all she's been talking about ever since we left. On the way home she told Ryan and we should move to a farm and have some animals! This is obviously NOT the same child! What a difference an experience makes to a young child.

Here's Todd and Tommy showing Gabriella how to feed the sheep from her hand! Something she has NEVER dared to do either!

Jocelyn had no reservations jumping into the sheep and chicken pens!

This is my favorite picture of the day! Notice the cats...they're eating a raw turkey that Tom accidentaly hit with his vehicle that day. Most people feed their cats "cat food" but not the Balfany's! They feed their animals the best!!!!

The girls left with farm fresh eggs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tomorrow we're going to color those eggs and turn them into Easter Eggs!
Thank you Todd, Lucy, Chris, Will, Tom, and Emily for showing us the animals with a little tender loving care. You are always so sweet to the girls are we're blessed to be able to spend time with you!

The kindergarteners at Holy Redeemer went to Hill Street on Friday, March 5th to sing to the residents! Grandma Peg and Great-Grandma Ro and I took the little girls and we watched them sing! They lit up the room with their sweet voices and they did a remarkable job!

Living in a smaller somewhat rural area I always feared my children would come to feel out of place or different because of adoption. But, I'm learning that ALL children are different regardless of bloodlines and backgrounds. And being different and unique just may make Gabriella stronger and more confident in herself. It also helps that there's other adopted children in her class, too! Regardless, I'm just thankful the year is going so well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Everyday is a play day. And little Ms. Ahnya is just that! Full of fun and always smiling!

Gabriella's best friend is Ella. She is so good to Ahnya and plays so well with everyone. We are blessed to have Ella apart of our family!

All the girls together and oh so happy!

Gabriella and her best friend, Ella! Thanks for being such a super sweet friend to each other!

Great Grandma Ro celebrated on the eve of Jocelyn's birthday.

Gabriella and Jocelyn pose for a quick pic.

.....picture is worth a THOUSAND words......she LOVES cake!!!!!!!!!!

On Saturday, March 6th Jocelyn Ka In turned 5 years old!!!! Ryan and I can't believe how quickly our babies are growing up!!!! Jocelyn celebrated by having her special friends over for a "Fairytale Princess Party."

We have a new baby in our family!!! Nope, not us!!! At least not now, but Nana and Bumpa are getting a new puppy!!! They must be bored with retirement life and are ready to adopt a new pup into their lives. This puppy is the sweetest!!
Meet Whiskey Jack...he's a sweet Chesapeake Bay Retriever. He's 4 months old and definately a large, solid pup! Mom and Dad are going to pick him up on Wednesday.
The girls and I can't wait to meet him this weekend!!!