The Journey of a Lifetime

Ryan and I have decided to pursue our forth adoption and add another beautiful baby to our family. We couldn't be happier and are thrilled! Join us in our journey in adopting baby Schlenner!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Highlights from the Week

I thought I would post some pics of the week and happenings that have taken place!!!!!
The week started out with a super-duper BIG surprise!!!!!!! Momma bought (notice I didn't say daddy...he voted against it and was vetoed!!!) a playhouse for the backyard!! It was a total surprise to them!!!! I woke them up early Saturday morning and lined them all up on the couch. Then I raised the blinds and they saw the playhouse sitting outside on the trailer!!! They all screamed and lost it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was so fun to see their little faces and the excitement in their eyes!!!!!

The playhouse is beautiful and the kids LOVE LOVE LOVE it!!!!!!!!! We've already laid cartpet in there and decorated it!!!! I hope it will be something that they will always rememeber!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Jocelyn is a reader!!!!!!!! She reads everything she can get her hands on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She has gained a tremendous amount of confidence this year and has learned that she can sound out and spell just about anything. I am so proud of her! She is a very serious student. Unlike her brother sitting next to her!

Ahnya is such a honey! Always a sweetheart and always with her blankie. Wherever she goes-the blankie goes, too!

Gabriella has grown up to such a big sister! She is a wonderful helper and is learning that mom says "yes" more if she helps out without asking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Today the kindergarteners went next door to Hill Street to sing to the residents!!! I took Ahnya and Magnus with me to listen to the kids sing their beautiful praises!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Here's Jocelyn, Lily and Halle in their HRS shirts!

It was a great week!!! Lots happening!!! Wonderful weather!!!!!! Ryan traveled the whole week and is back now...thank goodness! I am exhausted and feel like I have been run over by a giant truck! But that's what weekends are for, right? To rest up and get ready for another! Wishing you a wonderful weekend and hope you have beautiful spring time weather, too!!

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