The Journey of a Lifetime

Ryan and I have decided to pursue our forth adoption and add another beautiful baby to our family. We couldn't be happier and are thrilled! Join us in our journey in adopting baby Schlenner!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Sunday School Program and some more...

Here's lil' Ahnya in her dress-up hat (it's her favorite!!!) and pushing her baby!!!! Playing babies is her favorite past time right now!!!
Is anyone laughing..........................................what a riot! Never a dull moment at our house!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok, this is what I was origionally posting about...the Sunday School Christmas program!! It was a success and here's Jocelyn singing her praises!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And Gabriella all smiles at the was a wonderful day!!! We are so glad Grandma Peg and Grandpa Bob made it to the program!!!!!!!

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