The Journey of a Lifetime

Ryan and I have decided to pursue our forth adoption and add another beautiful baby to our family. We couldn't be happier and are thrilled! Join us in our journey in adopting baby Schlenner!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Ahnya has RSV....again

Poor baby...Ahnya is a sick baby. She is diagnosed with Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) again. This is the third time in the 3 1/2 months that we've been home. Also, has a double ear infection and this is AGAIN her third ear infection since we've been home. However, through it all she is pretty happy if I'm holding her, fairly content overall, just highly contagious. Just really struggles to breath and eating food and drinking bottles is of course difficult if you can't breath through your this hopefully pass as quickly.

Here's the link if you want to read more about RSV:


Cathy said...

Poor baby. We are currently treating ear infection #3 here as well. At least Kiya seems to be a pretty happy sick baby as well. Hoping Anhya feels better soon!

Anonymous said...

Today is Enkutatash, or Ethiopain New Year.

Melkam Addis Amet = Happy New Year

Love you lovies!!!