The Journey of a Lifetime

Ryan and I have decided to pursue our forth adoption and add another beautiful baby to our family. We couldn't be happier and are thrilled! Join us in our journey in adopting baby Schlenner!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Can't sleep.....

Is it mornig yet?????????????? I can't sleep anymore and my brain will not stop thinking about the possibility of my phone ringing sometime tomorrow. It's 8:35 A.M. Monday morning in Ethiopia!

Need to get some sleep.............................................


Rachel said...

Thanks for the sweet message! Your girls are beautiful! Here's hoping you get the call today!

Sha Zam- said...

Know that others around the world are praying for you and all your family this week! YEAH!! VERY EXCITING!

Julie said...

Hang in there Ann. Thinking about you.