Adrianna is the photographer in the family and she is doing an incredible job taking pictures. Thank you Adri for the beautiful pictures you took!!! I will not take any credit for these pics...because they are amazing!!!!!! I especially like the very LAST picture at the bottom!!!!!!!!!!
Momma and the girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Magnus was TOOOOO busy exploring outside to take a pic with me!!!!! That's just one of the differences between girls and boys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Girls LOVE camera's and boys RUN AS FAR AWAY FROM THE CAMERA AS POSSIBLE!!!!!!
Adrianna is going to be one of Magnus' Godparents at baptism next week!!!
At dinner we all went around the table and said what we were thankful for. Jocelyn said she was thankful for 'God and Jesus.'
Gabriella is eating a delicious cornish hen and all the fixings! Gabriella said she was thankful for family, friends, food and Nicki!!
Ahnya said she is thankful for Chocolate Cupcakes and her family!!!!
This is my favorite picture of the day!!!! We took a nice walk to the barn and cut evergreen bows down for decorating at the farm site. The girls jumped in Bumpa's old farm truck with Deacon and hauled all the evergreen bows in the back of the pickup. So here's the pic of Deacon driving, with Jocelyn in the middle, Gabriella, and faithful dog Jack looking through the window!!! Ha!!! Cracks me up!!! Happy Holidays everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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